26 სექ - 25 ოქტ
ხელსაწყოების კატეგორიის ბრენდ მენეჯერი
  • სრული განაკვეთი
  • ბაკალავრი
  • გამოცდილება აუცილებელია , გამოცდილება 2 წლიდან
  • ინგლისური,რუსული
ვაკანსიაზე გამოხმაურება
სამშენებლო-სარემონტო მასალების ჰიპერმარკეტების ქსელი "გორგია" აცხადებს ვაკანსიას ხელსაწყოების კატეგორიის ბრენდ მენეჯერის პოზიციაზე, თბილისში.

Job Description

Support to International Company:
  • Formulation of a "Company vs. competitors report" and "price analysis" for all Company`s product lines in the Territory;
  • Observation of Company`s competitors` activities;
  • Identify relevant standards in the Territory for Company Systems;
  • Support by customizing Company Systems to Territory standards;
  • Local coordination of Company`s Product and System approvals - Formulation of a yearly training schedule;
  • Organization of customer visits to factories of partner companies;
  • Training of Customers on the installation of the Products including the use of the tools;
  • Creation of education programs and course materials in English for salespeople, service technicians, craftsmen;
  • Processing of complaints.

Support to future distribution partner (s):
  • Supporting future distribution partner in all Company`s technical and know-how matters;
  • Training of future distribution partner technical and sales personnel on all Company`s products - Advice future distribution partner management in market price positioning;
  • Support of future distribution partner management by stock and distribution planning;
  • Supporting future distribution partner in project work;
  • Supporting future distribution partner in the planning of Marketing activities;
  • Building up of a Company`s Technical Training facility at future distribution partner place; proposal of products and equipment to be used;
  • Assistance to future distribution partner staff concerning warranty issues.

  • Minimum 2 years of sales experience in tools sector;
  • University degree, preferably in mechanical engineering;
  • Experience in tools;
  • Knowledge of English and Russian languages (listening, writing, speaking skills);
  • Able to travel within the country and overseas when necessary.

  • Laptop & necessary software will be provided;
  • Expense policy (covering certain amount of fuel, communication, travel etc. expenses).

If you are interested, please send us your CV to the following email address: recruit@gorgia.ge

Specify the job title in the subject field.
By sending data on the mentioned vacancy, in agreement with which you want to occupy a position, your applications will be processed at the review stage, the company will process the submitted information in accordance with Article 5, Clause 1. Sub-Clause "B" of the Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection". Also, you have the right to receive information about the data processed about you, to request their correction, update, addition, termination, blocking, deletion, destruction, you have the right to get acquainted and receive a copy, the right to withdraw consent - (the right to withdraw consent is limited if the person is appointed on a vacant position), the right to appeal (you can contact us at: recruit@gorgia.ge).

In case of non-compliance of the person on the vacant position, the documentation submitted by him will be destroyed within 3 (three) months after receiving a negative answer.
Wish you success!

მარკეტინგი, რეკლამა, PR
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