09 ოქტ - 08 ნოე
ტენდერი - აჭარაში ტყის მართვის გეგმების მხარდასაჭერად გეომონაცემთა ბაზის შესაქმნელად
ვაკანსიაზე გამოხმაურება
ელ. ფოსტა: Vakho.chitishvili@cenn.org
CENN, within the Austrian Development Cooperation funded project "GREEN Caucasus" announces tender for the creation of a geodatabase to support Forest Management Plans in Adjara AR. The objective is to develop a geodatabase that fills significant gaps in GIS data, with a large portion of forest roads currently unidentified. The contractor is expected to create this unidentified road data using open-source satellite data and integrate it with the existing road data to form a unified geodatabase of Adjara forest roads.
For more details please see the ToR in the attached file.
Deadline: Submit your proposals to the following email address: Vakho.chitishvili@cenn.org by October 25, 2024.
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