ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგიები

FINA IRP is an Integrated Regulatory Platform for Supervisory Authorities developed on Java Enterprise Edition platform under a GNU/GPL license (free) to collect IFRS based regulatory reports from different type Financial Institutions (Banks, MFIs, Cooperatives, FX Bureaus, etc.) using different formats (XBRL, XML, XLSX, CSV, etc.) via different communication channels: HTTPS, E-Mail Robot, Off-Line Submission Tool and On-Line Data Entry Module). FINA has built-in and External Business Intelligence tools to generate analytical reports. FINA content management module allows to automatize document management and workflow used in On-Site and licensing units of the Supervision. International Organizations (USAID , GIZ) sponsored the development of the FINA in response to a need for an effective, user modifiable, low cost supervision system.

FINA IRP is an Integrated Regulatory Platform for Supervisory Authorities developed on Java Enterprise Edition platform under a GNU/GPL license (free) to collect IFRS based regulatory reports from different type Financial Institutions (Banks, MFIs, Cooperatives, FX Bureaus, etc.) using different formats (XBRL, XML, XLSX, CSV, etc.) via different communication channels: HTTPS, E-Mail Robot, Off-Line Submission Tool and On-Line Data Entry Module). FINA has built-in and External Business Intel...

მიმდინარე განცხადებები

ანაზღაურებადი სტაჟირება - პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის ტესტერი
თბილისი, საბურთალო, შარტავას ქ.
3 იან - 31 იან