28 ივნ - 28 ივლ
ტენდერი- კონცეფცია რთული ქცევის მართვა
ვაკანსიაზე გამოხმაურება
World Vision Georgia
Selection of Consultants
for developing Concept of services to address Challenging Behaviour for the street-connected children based on observation and study
World Vision is a humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
WVG is seeking Consultants to develop a Concept of services to address Challenging Behavior for the street-connected children based on observation and study (detailed TOR is attached).
Consulting Company with relevant experience and qualification, providing competitive price, will be selected for assignment.

All interested companies should send their expression of Interests to thea_kvintradze@wvi.org to receive access to the full package of documentation. The request e-mail should contain (i) the name of the company/individual, (ii) name, e-mail and phone number of the contact person. Please indicate the title of selection - “Challenging Behavior” in the subject line of the e-mail. The deadline for expressing interest is July 11, 2024, 16:00.

Clarifications on the process can be requested from:
World Vision Georgia

The document submission and selection will be done through the electronic procurement system of the World Vision (Provision/Coupa). No submissions are allowed outside the system. Deadline for submission of documentation is July 15, 2024, 18:00. Submission after the deadline will not be considered.

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