სოლუშენს2შეარ ჯორჯია

Solutions2Share Georgia LLC

We are a software company providing support and software development for Office 365 and SharePoint.

Solutions2share Georgia LLC was established in 2021 and is a fellow company of Solutions2Share GmbH | Veitsbronn, Germany.

We are a growing and innovative company with about 20 employees in Georgia and 100 employees in total. In 2009, Solutions2Share GmbH started developing first governance tool, Collaboration Manager. Today, with over 10 years of experience in Microsoft 365 product development, we are the number 1 choice for governance apps in Europa and America.

Solutions2Share Georgia LLC

We are a software company providing support and software development for Office 365 and SharePoint.

Solutions2share Georgia LLC was established in 2021 and is a fellow company of Solutions2Share GmbH | Veitsbronn, Germany.

We are a growing and innovative company with about 20 employees in Georgia and 100 employees in total. In 2009, Solutions2Share GmbH started developing first governance tool...

მიმდინარე განცხადებები

Software ტესტერი
თბილისი, სოლოლაკი
6 ნოე - 5 დეკ
 Power Platform კონსულტანტი
თბილისი, სოლოლაკი
6 ნოე - 6 დეკ