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Telegraph Hotel
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Telegraph Hotel

As the first hotel in the region to become a member of The Leading Hotels of the World, the Telegraph Hotel sets a new standard in hospitality with unparalleled experiences in world-class accommodations, exquisite dining, and impeccable services. Our 239 luxurious rooms offer stunning city views, complemented by culinary delights across seven diverse restaurants, a jazz club, state-of-the-art conference facilities, and sustainable, eco-friendly practices—all crafted to provide an exceptional guest experience.
The Telegraph building has always been more than just a communication hub, it was a beacon of innovation, where the city’s news and stories unfolded, quickening the pulse of Tbilisi. Today, the hotel emerges as a new center of gravity for the city, capturing its soul and offering a unique brand experience to both locals and international travelers.
We invite passionate individuals to join our team and be part of creating unforgettable memories for our guests.

As the first hotel in the region to become a member of The Leading Hotels of the World, the Telegraph Hotel sets a new standard in hospitality with unparalleled experiences in world-class accommodations, exquisite dining, and impeccable services. Our 239 luxurious rooms offer stunning city views, complemented by culinary delights across seven diverse restaurants, a jazz club, state-of-the-art conference facilities, and sustainable, eco-friendly practices—all crafted to provide an exce...

მიმდინარე განცხადებები

ტექნიკური მენეჯერის ასისტენტი
16 იან - 14 თებ
დასუფთავების სუპერვაიზერი
10 იან - 8 თებ
მიღება-განთავსების სუპერვაიზერი
10 იან - 8 თებ